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Petflox is 100% natural, environmentally friendly and completely biodegradable.


In addition to small mammals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets and rodents, large mammals such as horses, cows and sheep are also essential in the ecosystem of farms and rural areas.


These animals also regularly come into contact with each other, whether in the pasture, the stable or during transport. This mutual contact can lead to the spread of diseases and bacteria, which poses a threat not only to their health, but also to that of people who come into contact with them.


To minimize these risks and support the health of these animals, Petflox offers additional veterinary products that improve water quality, promote health and hygiene, reduce disease risks, prevent mucus formation and keep airways clear. Whether it concerns small pets or large farm animals, Petflox offers solutions for a healthy animal life.

Petflox is a premium animal brand that produces and supplies new products to protect the animal kingdom. Our products are 100% natural, ecologically friendly and biodegradable, without side effects. Petflox offers every animal a protected, healthy and active life.


Petflox Pro10 is available from your vet, agricultural store or specialist supplier. Petflox is a registered trademark and is produced in the Netherlands, where we strive for safe and sustainable handling of animals and the environment.

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500 ml

250 ml

1 litre

Pro10 for small users

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Petflox 10 liter.png
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5 litres

10 litres

20 litres

Pro10 for heavy users

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