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Image by David Clode
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Petflox is 100% natural, environmentally friendly and completely biodegradable.


Birds live both indoors and outdoors, alone in a cage, with other birds in an aviary or fly back and forth in the wild, such as homing pigeons. Their health and hygiene are crucial, especially because they often come into contact with various elements, including their drinking water, which can also contain waste products.


To keep your birds healthy and improve their resistance, Petflox offers additional veterinary products. Specially designed for birds, these products help maintain water quality, reduce disease risks, and prevent mucus formation and airway congestion.

Petflox is an addition to drinking water, developed to promote the health and well-being of your birds.


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Petflox is a premium animal brand that produces and supplies new products to protect the animal kingdom. Our products are 100% natural, ecologically friendly and biodegradable, without side effects. Petflox offers every animal a protected, healthy and active life.


Petflox Pro10 is available from your vet, agricultural store or specialist supplier. Petflox is a registered trademark and is produced in the Netherlands, where we strive for safe and sustainable handling of animals and the environment.

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500 ml

250 ml

1 litre

Pro10 for small users

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5 litres

10 litres

20 litres

Pro10 for heavy users

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